
Personnel Advisory for Employers in Finland

Finland is at least one of the best countries to be an employee. Employees’ rights are very well protected – there are powerful unions and various collective agreements detailing specific requirements for employers. Personnel advisory for employers are mandatory for every respectable business in Finland. A business, which wants to have happy and productive people and not spend a lot of money fighting and losing to employee claims.

Personnel Advisory for Employers in Finland

Our team has extensive experience with employer obligations in Finland and abroad. We have worked with requirements of various fields and various collective agreements.

Below is a list of our most frequent advisory topics:

  • Employer obligations in Finland
  • Mandatory and voluntary employer insurances in Finland
  • Employer tax and contributions in Finland
  • Analyzing and choosing a collective agreement
  • Obligatory and smart to have parts in employment agreements
  • Communication with authorities and insurance companies
  • Review of service contracts for employee-related services
  • Tax-free and taxable employee benefits

Our most frequent clients are:

  • Local Finnish companies
  • Foreigner-owned companies in Finland
  • Foreign companies, which have employees in Finland
  • Entrepreneurs, who already have or are about to hire their first employee

Some of our clients work in the following fields:

  • Telecommunication
  • Marketing
  • Business Services
  • Aviation Services
  • Construction
  • Commercial and Home Cleaning Services

If you want to learn more or ask for our help, please contact our personnel advisory specialist for employers in Finland.

Employee Happiness Development Projects

There has been a saying for a long time already indicating that employees are the company’s most valuable asset. Some businesses state that in writing and some make that statement part of their company culture. A few innovative and visionary companies also have a dedicated person responsible for developing employee happiness. The latter have found that happy employees are more productive and loyal to the company. This also translates to the happiness of the clients of those respective companies.

If you want to learn more or ask for our help, please contact our personnel advisory services specialist.

Employment Contracts

Employment contracts in Finland can be pretty straight forward and short. However, there are mandatory parts and other parts in them which are good to have for smooth and clear relationships between an employer and employee. Our specialist can help the entrepreneur or hiring manager (and also the employee if needed) have a clear and complete understanding of each part of the contract. The employment contract is one of the first official steps in a successful employment relationship and it has a lot of influence on that relationship during and after the period of cooperation.

If you want to learn more or ask for our help, please contact our personnel advisory specialist in Finland.

Analysis of Applicable Collective Agreements

In many fields of activity in Finland, there are a few different collective agreements to choose from. There are different levels collective agreements and some are more mandatory than others. Every collective agreement has their specific detailed terms, which have a significant effect on the employer obligations in Finland. Navigating that filed can be rather scary. In case of a dispute, the employee can claim and may receive 24 months’ salary as compensation for each non-compliance.

Choosing the correct collective agreement and following it and other employer obligations help companies minimize the risks of the potential, above-mentioned dark scenarios.

If you want to learn more or ask for our help, please contact our personnel advisory specialist for employers in Finland.

Payroll Services

If you want to learn more or ask for our help, please contact our personnel advisory specialist for employers in Finland.